pubsub/node: PubSub nodes management

node is a subcommands grouping all PubSub commands related to node management. For details on pubsub command itself, refer to pubsub: PubSub management.


Get settings of the node. Use -k KEYS, --key KEYS to select data to print.


Get informations on our personal microblog node:

$ li pubsub node info -n urn:xmpp:microblog:0

Only print access_model and publish_model:

$ li pubsub node info -n urn:xmpp:microblog:0 -k access_model -k publish_model


Create a node. Node configuration can be specified using -f KEY VALUE, --field KEY VALUE where KEY is a pubsub option. By default the pubsub# prefix will be appended, as it is used with standard options (see XEP-0060 for more details); to change this behaviour, use the -F, --full-prefix flag.


Create a node called notes with a whitelist access model (so only you and people you may authorize later can access it):

$ li pubsub node create -n notes


Remove all items from a node (but don’t delete the node).

A confirmation is requested by default, you can override this behaviour by using -f, --force option.


Remove all items from a blog comments node (in other words, removing all comments while letting the node so people can add new comments):

$ li pubsub node purge -n "urn:xmpp:microblog:0:comments/123-456-789"


Delete a node (note that this will delete definitively all items that where published to this node).

A confirmation is requested by default, you can override this behaviour by using -f, --force option.


Delete the temporary_notes node:

$ li pubsub node delete -n temporary_notes


Update a node configuration.

Configuration options are specified using -f KEY VALUE, --field KEY VALUE argument where KEY is a PubSub option. If KEY doesn’t start with pubsub# prefix, it is added automatically, except if -F, --full-prefix argument is used (in which case the KEY is used as specified.


Make the public_notes node accessible to the world:

$ li pubsub node set -n public_notes -f access_model open


import a raw XML containing items to create in the node. The path to the XML file is used as positional argument.

The XML file must contain full <item> element for each item to import. The output of pubsub get can be used directly.

If you want to change publisher of one or more items (i.e. if you want to use an other jid than the jid of the profile as publisher), you must use the --admin arguments. This needs a PubSub service supporting this feature (and you must of course be an administrator of this service). The new publisher must be allowed to publish to the node.


import a node backup which has previously been saved using li blog get -M -1 -n some_node > some_node_backup.xml:

$ li pubsub node import -n some_node ~/some_node_backup.xml


If your node is big, -M 1 option is not adapted as it will get all items at once and may be blocked by your server stanza size limit. The possibility to use RSM to retrieve all items by pages is planned in a future version.


Subcommands for node affiliations management. Please check pubsub/node/affiliations: nodes affiliations management.


Subcommands for node subscriptions management. Please check pubsub/node/affiliations: nodes subscriptions management.