invitation: invite people without XMPP account

Invitations allows you to invite people without XMPP account, so they can participate e.g. to a discussion by using a specially generated link. This is a Libervia specific feature and those commands are rather low lever.


Invite somebody to participate. This will create a guest account and a link with an identifier to access this account, and send an invitation to the given email.

The email is specified using -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL, which can be used multiple times to send the invitation to more than one address.

You’ll usually want to specify the name of the person you’re inviting, using -n NAME, --name NAME, it may later be used in email sent or in the web page where your guest will land.

-N HOST_NAME, --host-name HOST_NAME is used to specify the name of yourself (i.e. the person which is inviting), it may be used in invitation message.

You’ll most of time have to specify the URL template using -u URL, --url URL. This will be used in the invitation email to construct the URL where your invitee will click. You may use the string {{uuid}} in this template which will be replaced by the id associated to the invitation. With Libervia, default invitation page is <your_server>/g/<uuid>.

The language of your guest can be specified using -l LANG, --lang LANG, this is notably useful if you have multilingual blog posts (e.g. for an event where people speaking different languages are invited).

The -x KEY VALUE, --extra KEY VALUE is used for extra data which depend on what you are inviting your guests for.


Invite Louise, which is speaking French, to an event. The invitation is sent to her email address, is sent by Piotr, and must link to the Libervia instance at<id>. We use here the event_uri extra key:

$ li invitation create -n Louise -N Pierre -e -l fr -u "{uuid}" -x event_uri;node=MnXe4ic2X8RUz6JAJuw4f9;item=org.salut-a-toi.event%3A0


Get metadata for one specific invitation. You only have to specify the invitation id, and you may use the option -j, --with-jid to also get the jid used for the invitation (this will start the session of the invitee).


Get invitation data for invitation with id okFec4gDz75My7iQAVTmsc:

$ li invitation get okFec4gDz75My7iQAVTmsc -j


This work the same way as libervia-cli_invitation_create, you only have to specify the id of the invitation.

If you use the --replace argument, all the invitation data will be replaced by the ones you’re specifying.


Change the language of the invitee for the invitation okFec4gDz75My7iQAVTmsc for Slovak:

$ li invitation modify -l sk okFec4gDz75My7iQAVTmsc


Delete XMPP account created for an invitation and invitation data


Delete invitation with id okFec4gDz75My7iQAVTmsc:

$ li invitation delete okFec4gDz75My7iQAVTmsc


List registered invitations. You may filter by the profile who made the invitation using -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE. The invitations are shown by default using id as main data, and metadata below.


List invitations:

$ li invitation list