param: manage Libervia parameters

param commands allows to retrieve or set parameters as well as to export/import them to a XML file.

Parameters are retrieve using a category and a name, they are both case sensitive.

category is the name of the tabs that you see when you set parameters in a frontend like Cagou or Libervia.


You need to have your session started to retrieve of modify parameters. If you can’t or are not willing to connect for any reason (e.g. no internet connection), you can use the --start-session option to start the profile session without connecting it to the XMPP server.


Retrieve list of categories, parameters or a specific parameter value:

  • without argument, you’ll get the list of categories

  • with only a category specified, you’ll get a list of parameters and their values

  • with a category and a name, you’ll get the value or requested attribute of the specified parameters

By default you’ll get the value of the parameters, but you can request an other attribute (for instance its type or constraint) using the -a ATTRIBUTE, --attribute ATTRIBUTE argument.

You can set a security limit to retrieve only parameters allowed with this limit. Security limit is an integer used in some frontends (like Libervia), to restrict parameters modifiable by non privileged users. You can set it using --security-limit SECURITY_LIMIT, by default it is disabled (i.e. all parameters are returned).


Get list of categories:

$ li param get

Get list of parameters in General category:

$ li param get General

Get JID set for default profile. It is set in Connection category, with the parameters named JabberID (be careful with the case):

$ li param get Connection JabberID

Get the type of the check_certificate parameters in Connection category:

$ li param get Connection check_certificate -a type

Get the constraint of the Priority parameters in Connection category:

$ li param get Connection Priority -a constraint


As expected, this command set a Libervia parameter. The category, name and value are needed as positional arguments.

--security-limit SECURITY_LIMIT can be used if you want an update to be rejected if the parameter is not modifiable with this limit. This can be useful if you use li from an external tool and you want to limit damage risks, or for testing purpose.


Use Markdown syntax for composition (e.g. for editing blog posts):

$ li param set Composition Syntax markdown

Try to change jid of the profile with a low security limit, this command should fail:

$ li param set --security-limit 0 Connection JabberID


Save the parameters structure to an external files. The parameters are saved as XML. The only expected argument is the path to the destination file.


it’s the parameters structure and not the parameters values which are saved. This is low level method and most end users won’t probably need it


Save parameters structure to ~/parameters.xml:

$ li param save ~/parameters.xml


Load and merge the parameters structure from external XML files. The only expected argument is the path to the source file.


it’s the parameters structure and not the parameters values which is loaded and merged. This is low level method and most end users won’t probably need it


Load and merge parameters structure from ~/parameters.xml:

$ li param load ~/parameters.xml