file/share: advanced files sharing

share groups commands for listing file available on a device/service, sharing a file or directory, and inviting people to retrieve files.


List files available on a device or sharing service. You mainly have to specify the jid of the device/service where the files are stored (if jid is omitted, your own jid will be used, so you can check what you are sharing).


you have to use the full jid of the device if you want to list files available on a device.

You may specify a path using -d PATH, --path PATH.

File and directories are printed with a different colour if you use default output.


List files shared from a device (note that we use a full jid here):

$ li file share list

List files available on a sharing service at the path /photos:

$ li file share list -d photos

Louise wants to list the file shared by Pierre:

$ li file share list


Share a local file or directory with a list of entities, or publicly. The files can then be listed or requested using libervia-cli_file_share_list or request.

You specify the file or directory the positional path argument. By default the name of the file/directory is used, but you can give a different one using -n NAME, --name NAME.

You can specify entities allowed to see your files using -j JID, --jid JID as many time as necessary. If you don’t specify any entity, the file will only be accessible by your own devices. If you want to make your file accessible to everybody, use --public (note that this means that your file is accessible to the world, i.e. also to people you don’t know, so use this option carefully).


Share the file interesting_doc.odt with Pierre and Louise:

$ li file share path -j -j interesting_doc.odt

Imagine that you have built a weather station and want to make its data public. You can share the directory ~/weather_station_data with the world, using the name public weather data:

$ li file share path --public --name "public weather data" ~/weather_station_data


This command send an invitation for a file sharing repository to an XMPP entity.

The invitation is a non standard (yet?) way to notify somebody of the existence of a files repository.

Beside the positional arguments service and jid, which are respectively the service where is the files repository and the jid of the entity to invite, you mainly have to indicate the path and namespace of your repository, using -P PATH, --path PATH and N NAMESPACE, --namespace NAMESPACE.

Use the -t {files,photos}, --type {files,photos} to specify if you repository is a generic files repository or a photo album.

Optionally, you can associate a thumbnail to the repository with -T THUMBNAIL, --thumbnail THUMBNAIL. This is recommended to have more user friendly representation of the album in e.g. Libervia.


Pierre wants to invite Louise to view his summer holidays photo album:

$ li file share invite -P "photos/summer holidays" -t photos


subcommands for file sharing affiliations management. please check file/share/affiliations: file sharing affiliations management.


subcommands for retrieving/modifying file sharing node configuration. please check file/share/configuration: file sharing node configuration.