================================ uri: XMPP URI parsing/generation ================================ URI commands are helper to easily parse/build XMPP URIs. parse ===== Parse an XMPP URI, and print different parts. When possible, the ``type`` of URI is shown (e.g. ``pubsub``) and the ``sub_type`` (e.g. ``microblog``). The ``path`` is always displayed (see `RFC 5122 Path section`_ for details). If suitable, you'll also get data like ``node`` (for a PubSub URI). .. _RFC 5122 Path section: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5122#section-2.4 examples -------- Parse a blog URI:: $ li uri parse "xmpp:somebody@example.org?;node=urn%3Axmpp%3Amicroblog%3A0" build ====== Build an XMPP URI according to arguments. 2 positional arguments are expected: ``type`` and ``path``. For now, only ``pubsub`` type is supported. examples -------- Build XMPP URI for a blog:: $ li uri build pubsub somebody@example.org -f node urn:xmpp:microblog:0